miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011

Para mi musa

Dos improvisaciones tontas y sin nombre que me aliviaron el corazón al escribirlas y el agobio que sentía en el momento de inspiración en el metro.
Alguien que me dijo una vez que llevase una libreta a mano, la he hecho caso. No obstante por cansancio extremo hace unas noches no recuerdo una mil veces mejor que estas dos.


Because I can’t have you
I Can’t Dream at night
Because I Can’t have you
I’ve got no dreams

So near and so far away
You’re the star of my dream planet
And I can’t find the keys of my rocket launcher to get started
It makes me sad

And only remembering your smile I can carry thru the day

Distance to the sun
Melts my heart
Distance to the sun
Freezes my body
Eats my mind
Drinks my soul

So close
So far away
Dreaming about what could have been
I wake up and I’m lonely

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

The Lovely ANGRY thoughts

Hello again, my blog

In the eve of my mini holidays in Valencia I just decided to share with you some thoughts I came to a conclusion, thanks to the people.

I'm special, I can't deny it even if somebody tell me that I'm normal, it's not that I'm the one you invite to a party or even to hang out.

There's an inner sense of being abandoned that cannot leave me, this it's so big during the main part of the year that I wonder If I'd ever find somebody to love forever with my soul and my mind, true love, not what people see and experience in ordinary life, for me love it's what my mom's father and mother delivered to each other, I've believed that my grandmother died of sadness, losing her husband (my grandaddy few years back then), something that I can't see outta there on the streets today.

My heart's sometimes it's so black that laughs so hard when there's some headlines regarding some home violence between so called lovers that really cheers me up that day, kinda strange huh, something that I do really think I'll never experience, firing me up to live thru that very day.

Now I divide in categories the women I see around in Madrid in like this, to just having some fun while I'm poking around, i'll add some thoughts:

    Bitch -> Unineuronal woman, dressed to fuck as much men as they can, easy to spot, sometimes could be confused with the Beauty Of This World categories.

    Blackberry Bitch -> If the Blues Brothers live, they would have a song called 'Everybitch needs a Blackberry To Love', while I have nothing against the business/scary Woman as well (a categorie not mentioned, because they're usually married, lol)), this it's something that when somebody has touché and it's not a Bitch, there's better looking opts in smartphone world that perform better and make less trouble to the people, if I'd give a present in form of smartphone to somebody I'd make it so special for him/her to just love my choice every single day it would suit him/her 100% percent.



    Beauty Out Of This World -> well this it's answered by itself, women u can dream of, but you can't ever reach, like people on the other side of the world.

Today I spoke on the phone with 2 friends (fantastic guys btw) that live there In Valencia and what a blast, one of them has an unique virtue as he's
capable of cheering up someone as me with just speaking with him, and I breathe fresh air, something much needed lately.

On Saturday 10th December I'll be watching Ray Wilson playing live in a pub, acoustic and intimate show I guess and it's gonna be a blasT!.

There's some kind of possibilty to review my holidays here, so stay on!.

Next holidays I hope it will different
